This is the progression of my voice from before testosterone to one year.

Pre-T - Day of my first shot, injecting 50mg every two weeks
64 days - Two months and two days
90 days - Three months
182 days - Six months
274 days - Nine months
365 days - Twelve months

A comparison of my singing voice from 2004/5(?) and 2014.

Longview by Green Day. I was an alto II/tenor I.
Young And Dumb by Coyote Grace. I'm now a baritone.

Singing was really important to me growing up. It took a backseat for the most part early on in my medical transition. I tried to sing often right away, but my ex made me stop when the upper register became more difficult for me. In July 2015, I joined the Butterfly Music Transgender Chorus in Boston to relearn my voice properly and build local community.

Wanting Memories by Sweet Honey In The Rock. I'm still a baritone, but have been trying to re-learn and expand my range.