Here's a big 'ol links page, including links for the NBTSC Community, Home/Unschooling in general, and good web-comics that you should all read.
NBTSC and our Community:
- The Main NBTSC Site
- Grace Llewellyn's Home Page.
- Quo Vadis, a yearly gathering of Self Educated Adults and their Allies.
- The Evil Kiwi is your friend.
- Randomseed a web-design company being started up by our very own Nick B-W and Charlie.
- Olympia Bodywork Zack's massage practice in Olympia, WA.
- Annavox Anna's Band, they've got a CD out, check it out!
- Go here for a list of personal web sites of people in our community.
Homeschooling and Unschooling:
- "The Self-Education Foundation, (SEF) is a nonprofit organization led by young people committed to supporting individual and community empowerment through self-education. To this end, we utilize the tools of grantmaking, community organizing and outreach. We believe that self-education is the practice of freedom." (quoted straight from their web site)
- Reanna's Unschooling Index, (Home of the unschooling teens list)
- Family Unschoolers Network
- Unschooling.com
- Uncommon School (Sailing and Biking courses)
- MAX @ School "Living an Adventure Novel", a journal.
- Atlanta Alternative Education Network
- T'CHERs: The Caribbean Center of Home Education Resources
- Jon's Homeschool ResourcePage
- Homeschool World Home Page
- National Educators Association (NEA)
- Georgia Association of Educators (GAE)
- The Canadian Homeschooling Resource Page
- Education Central
- The Homeschool Network
- Homeschooling at The Mining Company
- Geocities Homeschool Sites
- France & Associates Homeschooling Information
- School Is Dead, Learn in Freedom!
- High School and College Tips for Home Educators
- Teen Homeschoolers
- At Home Mothers
- Growing Without Schooling
- Home School Village
- Unbounded Publications "The Unprocessed Child: Living Without School", a book by unschooling parent Valerie Fitzenreiter
- Heather Sotack teaches drawing and art (Sewing too!) to homeschool groups at their sites, her e-mail is hsotack@yahoo.com and phone number is (404) 320-7354.
- Amethyst Academy athenesc is starting an unschool college!
A list of on-line comics somebody 'round here liked enough to suggest including.
- Nowhere Girl
- Clan of the Cats
- Sinfest
- Men In Hats
- Boondocks
- Boy Meets Boy
- Diesel Sweeties
- Cat and Girl
- Exploitation Now
If you have any links you think should be on this page, by all means, e-mail us!