The decision to start testosterone came really easy to me when I was 17, and I got to start after four months of gender therapy (in compliance with DSM-IV standards) when I was 20. The reason it took that long was because I needed to move away from my home state because there were no trans resources I'd be able to access there. Starting T felt like an important step for me because I wasn't comfortable presenting as female and/or androgynous (I have nothing against androgyny, it's just not for me), and the puberty traditionally associated with being assigned female at birth was, to put it lightly, not a fun experience for me.

In the menu above, you will find the progression of my face/facial hair, change in my hairline, the change in my voice since starting T, and - strictly for informational purposes - the changes in my anatomy. Feel free to click at your discretion!

2005, 2013

Image source