Goings-on at Bipolar Manor

Fun times were had in the living room of Zaria and Kim, particularly between the hours of 10pm and 6am....


Believe it or not, Zaria is not taking a picture. That's the flash from my camera reflecting off of hers.


And here Noam looks up and photographs someone while I look up and photograph him.... I think we had four cameras in use in the room.


If anyone were to ask me who Kim is and why I like her, I would show them this photo.


Spoons make Kim happy


James, or Satan, or maybe a demon-possessed vulture....


Noam: as if Portland didn't look grey enough without the help of foggy glasses


Yogi basks in the glow of James's radient feet.


Yogi and James, evil boys.


Really evil boys.


At the end of a long day, Noam likes to settle down with a good book and a rat.




Noam, rat-less


I can't remember who grabbed my camera and took this highly flattering picture of me at 3am. (Noam, are you preparing to give us a lecture?)


Zaria's magnificent socks


Zaria, Yogi, Kim